Friday 21 August 2009


Kalau kamu suka film horor, terutama yang terang-terangan bikin teriak semacam RING atau Dark Water,
maka kamu pasti tahu Ju-On. Film ini diakui sebagai salah satu horor terbaik, dan sukses meneror pemirsanya.
Musim panas tahun ini, kutukan kebencian dari judul ini akan bisa kita rasakan langsung dalam game.
Jika orang mati dengan mendendam kebencian mendalam, konon akan terlahir sebuah kutukan. Tempat orang yang bersangkutan itu pernah hidup akan menjadi tempat terakumulasinya kebencian, dan melahirkan apa yang disebut gou atau karma.
Jika seseorang menyentuh kutukan tersebut, dia akan kehilangan nyawanya, dan melahirkan sebuah kutukan baru. Hal inilah yang menjadi konsep utama dalam serial Ju-On.
Secara singkat, Jo-On berawal dari sebuah tragedi. Ada pria bernama Saeki Takeo membunuh istri dan anaknya dengan kejam karena didorong oleh perasaan cemburu dan kecurigaan bahwa Toshio bukanlah anaknya, melainkan anak hasil selingkuhan istrinya, Kayako dengan Kobayashi, guru Toshio. Tidak puas membunuh istri dan anaknya, Takeo juga membunuh istri Kobayashi dan putri mereka yang belum lahir.
Di tempat lain, tepatnya kediaman Saeki, Kobayashi tewas terkena serangan jantung setelah sebelumnya mengalami teror berkepanjangan dari arwah Toshio dan Kayako.
Tragedi pertama ini berakhir dengan tewasnya Takeo di tangan arwah kebencian istrinya, tapi, tidak begitu dengan kutukan kebencian keluarga ini.
Selain arwah Takeo dan keluarganya, semua yang berhubungan dengan mereka, bahkan barang salah kirim pun bisa menyebabkan kematian tragis. Tapi, yang benar-benar menjadi tempat berbahaya adalah rumah mereka, yang entah kenapa masih terus saja mendapat pemilik baru, tak peduli pemilik sebelumnya mengalami peristiwa menyeramkan disana.
Kemungkinan arwah-arwah di sana bisa tenang mungkin nyaris nol. Pada umumnya arwah penasaran sudah tenang jika dendam terbalaskan. Tapi, dalam kasus keluarga Saeki, mereka digerakkan oleh kebencian, sehingga akan memburu mangsa tanpa peduli mereka tak ada hubungan dengan tragedi yang dulu terjadi di sana.
Singkat saja. Tujuan utama game ini adalah memberikan teror dan pengalaman yang dijamin akan membuatmu berteriak-teriak kaget atau ketakutan. Jadi, di sini nggak ada yang namanya rocket launcher atau big knive untuku membabat musuh.
Yang tersedia untukmu cuma senter. Dia akan menemanimu menjelajahi rumah di Nerima yang dulunya menjadi kediaman keluarga Saeki. Rumah dimana arwah Kayako dan putranya, Toshio bersemayam dengan kebencian mereka, terus mencari korban baru. Menurut berita, ada juga tempat-tempat lain yang harus kamu kunjungi. Tapi tenang saja, semua masih berhubungan, jadi dijamin nggak aman.
Motto para kreator ketika ditanyai seperti apa konsep yang mereka harapkan adalah; "Tidak perlu gerakan sulit. Cukup memegang controller, dan dalam sekejap kamar tempatmu bermain akan menjadi sebuah ruangan penuh teror" Jadi... Sudah siap berhadapan dengan dendam orang mati?


Kalau kamu suka kisah yang serba rusuh dan gagap gempita karena ledakan dan gedung runtuh, maka game Red Faction: Guerilla (RF:G) cocok buatmu. Jika sebelumnya pernah memainkan seri game Red Faction pertama di tahun 2001, kamu akan melihat perbedaan unik di seri ketiganya ini, Guerilla bukan lagi bergense FPS, namun third-person action yang mengambil setting tempat di koloni Mars.. Dengan lingkungan sandbox ala Grand Theft Auto, game ini menawarkan banyak misi dan kisah sampingan, selain juga misi utama untuk membebaskan planet Mars.
Cukup Destruktif
Dengan setting waktu beberapa tahun setelah kejadian dari seri pertama, Guerilla kembali mengambil lokasi di Mars yang kali ini berada di tangan Eath Defense Force (EDF) yang sewenang-wenang. Kamu bermain sebagai Alec Mason, pendatang baru di planet itu yang sedang mencari pekerjaan. Mason segera menemukan Red Faction untuk melepaskan planet itu dari tangan EDF. Agar tujuan para pemberontak tercapai, Mason harus membebaskan 6 zona di planet Mars. Setiap zona punya cerita dan misi yang berbeda-beda.
Agar sebuah zona dapat dideklarasikan merdeka dari tangan EDF, Mason harus berhasil menurunkan rating kekuasaan mereka. Hal itu bisa tercapai dengan menjalankan berbagai misi yang tersedia, atau dengan meledakkan gedung tertentu yang sudah ditandai di peta. Pola permainan sejalan dengan Mason beraktivitas untuk membebaskan sebuah zona, maka dia juga akan meningkatkan moral dan keberanian penduduk setempat untuk ikut memberontak, dan juga meningkatkan pendapatan rampasan perang. Moral yang meningkat tinggi akan mempermudah misi, karena penduduk yang memberontak akan ikut berperang sebagai rekan yang dikontrol oleh Al, dan juga menambah rampasan perang yang kamu peroleh pasca misi berakhir.
Rampasan ini cukup penting karena kamu bisa menggunakannya untuk membeli dan meng-upgrade senjata serta berbagai peralatan, yang meliputi ranjau jarak jauh, palu godam, armor, roket, dan jetpack.
Ketika pertempuran terjadi, seluruh gedung dan objek di game ini dapat dihancurkan dan dirusak tidak hanya dengan menggunakan bahan peledak atau palu godam milikmu saja, namun juga bisa dengan menabrakkan kendaraan. Ada banyak cara untuk meluluhlantakkan sebuah gedung, bisa dengan mengatur dinamit, menghancurkan fondasi dengan palu, atau ngebut dengan tank rampasan EDF dan menabrak dinding-dindingnya. Buat kamu yang hobi nonton film Die Hard, kamu bakal berasa di surga. Selain itu, dengan merobohkan gedung maka kamu akan memiliki kemungkinan untuk mendapat lebih banyak rampasan perang.
Dengan menggunakan peta, kamu bisa menandai tempat yang akan dikunjungi dan melihat misi yang bisa dikerjakan. Selain misi utama dari plot cerita, misi sampingan juga bervariatif, meskipun sebagian besar tujuannya sama saja, yaitu untuk melenyapkan EDF dari sebuah sektor. Ada misi yang mengharuskanmu untuk menyerang atau mempertahankan sebuah sektor, dan kamu harus menghabisi anggota pasukan EDF dengan jumlah tertentu. Ada pula misi untuk menghancurkan sebuah bangunan, dengan menggunakan senjata tertentu. Selain itu, ada misi yg mengharuskan kamu mengendarai transport dan harus tiba di satu tempat dalam jangka waktu yang sangat terbatas. Kamu juga akan menemui misi sampingan yang mengharuskanmu untuk mengendalikan senapan turret dan menembaki target-target EDF. Juga ada misi penyelamatan sandera atau bahkan melindungi seseorang dari kejaran EDF.
Dengan melakukan berbagai misi, maka tingkat kontrol EDF terhadap sektor-sektor di zona tersebut akan turun hingga no, dan akhirnya akan hadir misi khusus yang memungkinkan kaum pemberonta Red Faction membebaskan zona itu sepenuhnya. Jika berhasil, maka cerita game akan bergerak maju dan kamu akan mendapatkan plot-plot berikutny melalui video sinematik.
Kelebihan utama game ini tentu saja lingkungannya yang sepenuhnya bisa dihancurkan. Namun bukan berarti tanpa kekurangan. Karakter-karakter RF:G terlihat datar dan kurang hidu. Mayoritas arsitektur di sini terlihat kotak-kotak dan jelek. Mobil, truk, kendaraan militer, maupun kendaraan tambang memang ada di sini dan terlihat ingin memberikan kesan bahwa ada kehidupan di planet Mars. Namun kesan itu tidak cukup tersampaikan, karena dunia di game ini tidak terasa hidup. Terlihat bahwa pihak volition memang tidak terlalu menitikberatkan pada unsur interaksi kehidupan di Mars, karena gameplay di RF:G yang sangat destruktif sudah cukup untuk menghadirkan tingkat keasyikan dalam memainkannya.
Asyiknya Main di Multiplayer
Tingkat destruktif game ini terbawa hingga mode Multiplayer. Dengan berbagai macam backpack yang memiliki kemampuan variatif dan juga fitur untuk menembus dinding, kamu bisa bebas membuat rute serangan tanpa harus terhalang oleh masalah lingkungan sekitar. Mode Multiplayer akan membuatmu dan teman-teman terbagi menjadi beberapa tim yang masing-masing memiliki tugas mempertahankan bangunan tertentu, atau mempertahankan sektor tertentu. Ini bukan hal yang mudah karena musuh bisa setiap saat menghancurkan gedung itu, baik dengan peledak, maupun menggempur fondasinya dengan palu. Untungnya di fitur online ini juga tersedia senjata unik yg bertugas memperbaiki kerusakan gedung.
Jika kamu tidak tertarik untuk bermain secara online, namun masih ingin main rame-rame secara multiplayer, kamu masih bisa memanfaatkan mode Wrecking Crew. Mode ini memungkinkan empat orang bermain secara bergiliran, untuk melakukan pengrusakan dengan aturan-aturan tertentu. Fitur ini cukup unik, karena selain bisa bermain bergantian dengan teman, kamu juga bisa bebas mengatur peta permainan dengan berbagai backpack dan senjata yang tersedia.

Thursday 20 August 2009

Monster Hunter Freedom Unite

Monster Hunter Freedom Unite, merupakan pak ekspansi Monster Hunter Freedom Unite 2
dan versi inggris dari Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G. kamu akan menemukan banyak sekali
tambahan dan perubahan didalam game Hunter Freedom Unite.Kali ini kamu yang bermain solo plyer tidak perlu bingung mencari temen lagi
karena kamu akan ditemani seekor kucing yang bernama Felyne. Kamu dapat memilih Flyne
bertipe Fighter, Bomber, atau support yang akan membantu petualangan kamu.
dalam game ini ditemukan beberapa skill Flyne yang belum ada dalam seri sebelumnya,
beberapa model rambut baru dan model baju awal yang keren abis.

Kamu juga dapat menaruh 99 sekitar item dan 20 set senjata. Rarity armor dan senjata
kali ini meningkat dari 8 menjadi 10. Tersedia beberapa variasi armor dan senjata baru.
Kamu akan menemukan armor set setelah U dan S yaitu X dan Z.
Lalu ada juga King Armor Sphere dan True Armor Sphere.

Prubahan variasi senjata dalam game ini terdapat pada dua Swords dan Bow.
Dual Swords kali ini akan menghasilkan damage yang lebih besar dibanding di seri sebelumnya.
Selanjutnya kamu dapat menggabungkan elemen ke dalam dua pedang.
Sebagai contoh, satu pedang memakai elemen es dan satunya lagi berelemen api.
Dalam Bow terdapat beberapa jenis coating baru seperti Razor Coating dan Pint Coating.
Ketajaman senjata yang berguna untuk meningkatkan damage senjata kamu sudah meningkat
dari warna putih dapat bertambah menjadi warna ungu. Capcom juga sudah melakukan
beberapa perubahan damage pada senjata tertentu yang membuat game ini semakin balance.

Ada quest baru yang bertipe "Marathon Quest" Di dalam quest ini
kamu harus membunuh monster satu persatu secara maraton. Hunter ranking juga sekarang dapat
meningkat menjadi 9. Fitur lain yang ditambahkan Capcom adalah Adhoc Party For Playstation
Portable, yang memungkinkan kamu melakukan voice chat melalui Playstation Network.

Sekarang giliran mengulas monster. Ada Naragacuga, Hyonocatrice, Yama Tsukami, Ucanlos,
dan Lavasioth. Walau pun banyak monster baru dalam game ini tapi tetap saja monster
terkuat dalam seri Monster Hunter selalu Fatalis.

PB Point Blank

Terbentuknya Free Rebels Semakin bertambahnya imgran yang tidak mendapat pekerjaan
dan terusir dari masyarakat, sehingga untuk bertahan hidup para imgran kemudian melakukan berbagai macam tindak kriminal dari perampokan hingga pengedaran obat-obatan terlarang
Aksi kriminal ini berkembang menjadi gerakan yang teroganisir hingga terbentuk organisasi yang dinamakan Free Rebels.
Tujuannya tidak lain untuk menguasai seluruh perdagangan obat terlarang
dan senjata di seluruh dunia serta menciptakan rasa takut pada masyarakat.

Fitur-fitur Utama

FPS Online

Point Blank adalah game online yang
mangusung ganre FPS (First Person Shooter).
Kamu dapat berperang dengan seluruh orang di indonesie,
mengumpulkan experience dan naik level.
Mode Game yang Variatif & Unik
Mode permainan Point Blank udah ngelotok
banget di otak kamu, ada Bomb Mission,
Death Match, Annihilation dan yang unik,
Destroy Mission.

Grafis & Efek Hidup

Grafis di Point Blank seperti real, mendekayi kenyataan,
membuat kamu merasa tertelan di medan perang
yang sebenarnya.

Peta Destruktif

Efek fisik untuk beberapa objek pun bisa dimanfaatkan
sebagai keuntungan perang seperti kaca pecah, damage akibat ledakan
dan lain sebagainya.

Langsung Main

Sistem tunggu room di PB unik,
kamu tidak perlu menunggu sampai semua slot terisi,
asalkan lawan READY, maka permainan bisa berjalan.
User lain yang mau gabung bisa join kapan saja.

Lawan A.I.

belum cukup percaya diri buat tanding sama teman?
Tenang di sini sediakan akses latihan melawan al.
Tingkat kesulitan di mode ini akan beradaptasi dengan kemampuan pemainnya.


Semua senjata yang kamu gunakan nantinya akan selalu unik,
Karena senjata akan tersedia versi extended-nya. Jadi senjata bisa sama, tapa "teste"-nya beda.

Helmet Protection

Demi menunjang realitas perang, fungsi Helm memengaruhi keamanan, Ditentukan probabilitas,
ada satu kondisi dimana kamu tidak langsung mati karena "Head Shot,"
karena dilindungi Helm.

Sistem Klan

Ketika join ke klan, darimana kamu mengukur kemampuan? Disini.
sistem pemeringkatan bisa diketahui.
Nama kamu akan tersimpan di database , sehinga siapa pun yang berhadapan dengan kamu,
bisa "jiper" duluan.

Misi Selalu Menarik
PB mengenal misi yang "diselipkan" di setiap ronde permainan. Sistem ini akan memberi
keuntungan pribadi untuk kamu.

Thursday 23 July 2009


PROTOTYPE is a sandbox-style action game developed by Radical Entertainment. The game was released in North America on June 9, 2009, and in southwestern parts of North America and Oceania on June 10. The game was released in Europe on June 12. The game is available on Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3 platforms.

The game is set in New York City as a virus infects people and the military attempts to put an end to it. The protagonist of the story is named Alex Mercer, who has enemy-absorbing and shapeshifting powers. He can take memories, experiences, biomass and physical forms of the enemies through absorption. Alex can also shapeshift into more specialized forms for attack, defense or sensory enhancement. All of these together are intended to give players multiple ways to complete their objectives. Parallel to the game's storyline is the ability to play the game as a sandbox-style video game giving the player free roam of Manhattan. New York evolves over time from a troubled city, to an all out war zone with BlackWatch fighting infected humans and Hunters. Alex can free-roam around troubled and war-torn New York free to do missions or just run around the city killing people or consuming them.

You are Alex Mercer, the Prototype: a shapeshifter with amazing powers of combat, destruction, and deception. Consume targets for their form and memories to assume a perfect disguise, or instantly transform your body into an array of deadly biological weapons, cutting your way to the heart of the conspiracy forty years in the making. Stalk the streets of New York City, searching for the life you lead before. Take the form of anyone in your path, using an arsenal of identities to confound, exploit or annihilate your enemies. Mankind is your mask. Wage a secret war against factions with complex agendas of their own, out to capture or kill you. They are your greatest threat and the key to the secrets of your past. Confront them, find those responsible and make them pay. Shapeshifting: Attack with brutal and devastating powers; instantly triggering hundreds of power combinations (Attack, Defensive and Sensory). Disguise: Assume the perfect disguise by transforming into any character and assuming the victim's powers, skills and abilities. New York City is your hunting ground! Jam-packed, vibrant, fully interactive city filled with thousands of people and enemies out to destroy you. Delve to the bottom of a conspiracy that has haunted the American government for decades. Who is responsible for your condition? Only you can find out!


KINGDOM HEART, Birth By Sleep is one of the newest editions to the Kingdom Hearts Series, and will be focusing on the characters from the Secret Movie in Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix+. The game was announced September 2007, at the Tokyo Game Show, along with Kingdom Hearts: Coded and Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days.

Birth By Sleep is being worked on by the same team that created Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories. Development on this game started fairly early, but it was interrupted when the team started to focus on the remake of Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. Nomura has speculated that this game will be the last of the trio to hit market.

Game Play

Image Birth By Sleep is a single player game, that originally had game play similar to past games. Recently, Tetsuya Nomura has stated that the game play has changed. It will now be similar to Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories. But it is not a card based system.

You will be able to play as three different characters at the start of the game: Terra, Ven and Aqua. Each will have their own style of combat and follow different scenarios. Even though the story follows three different heroes, at certain points they will all encounter one another. By completing all three of the scenarios, the player will be able to fully understand the entire story.

A new leveling system has been created and developed solely for this game. The best way it has been described was that, it’s like… growing. There are also new enemies to fight, neither of which are the heartless or the nobodies. They have been called a new type of enemy, that move very fast.

Co-op between players, even players competing against each other, has been discussed. The team is currently thinking of a way to make full use out of the PSP’s system. However if Birth By Sleep has a multiplayer, it will be different from the one seen in Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days.

Jump Festa showed us some of the new gameplay in action. Finishing combos and reaction commands make a welcome return to the game. And joining the mysterious new enemies, you will be fighting against one resembling a Large Body . Its also been hinted that limits might be placed on some of the game's events.


“The Keyblade is said to hold phenomenal power. One legend says its wielder saved the world, while another says that he wrought chaos and ruin upon it.” - Ansem Report

Birth By Sleep takes place about 10 years before the original Kingdom Hearts. Before Sora wielded the Keyblade, there were other Keyblade masters. One of these masters, Xehanort, disappeared one day along with his apprentice. Another master of the keyblade saw this as a sign of terrible things to come. So he ordered his three apprentices (Terra, Ven and Aqua) to seek out Xehanort and his cohort.

Both Ven and Master Xehanort have connections to preexisting characters. Ven happens to bare a striking resemblance to Roxas. Master Xehanort shares the same name and clothing to the other Xehanort seen in Kingdom Hearts. As you play through the story, their connections will be revealed. However, you will have to play all three scenarios to understand the story completely. The secret movie shown at the end of Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix+ is actually a scene from the game.

Some crucial scenes have been revealed to us through scans:
• Terra will confront Xehanort in Sunset Horizons.
• King Mickey appears to aid Ven in his battle against Xehanort‘s Apprentice. Although since this is in the past, he might not have his King status yet.
•Terra carries a wounded Ven through Hollow Bastion.
•Terra watches two young boys play on the shore in what appears to be Destiny Islands.

New and returning worlds will be brought into Birth By Sleep. These include: Olympus Coliseum, Hollow Bastion, Sleeping Beauty, Sunset Horizons, as well as Destiny Islands. Since this game is taking place in the past, each World will be given a time shift to fit within the plot. An example would be encountering a young Hercules in the Olympus Coliseum. Nomura has also stated that characters like Donald and Goofy would be making a return.

Most of the new info gather from Jump Festa regarded Ven, the look-alike of Roxas. The blonde hair kid travels by himself throughout worlds different worlds, such as Cinderella and Agrabah. We also get to see more of Ven's climactic battle with the Dark Soldier. He actually gets a good enough hit on him to knock his face plate off, but naturally the face isn't revealed just yet. Last we see of him, Ven asks his friend to erase him

Monday 20 July 2009


FINAL FANTASY XIV ONLINE RPG RELEASE ON 2010, At this year's E3, Sony announced a few surprises to make that Final Fantasy XIV will be released next year as the "exclusive to PS3." Square Enix confirming the news to ensure that this MMORPG game will also be released for PC.
Both versions of this game will be released simultaneously in 2010. In addition, the game will support 4 languages: Japanese, English, German, and French. Furthermore, other information given is that this game will take a MMORPG setting in Eorzea.

Final Fantasy XIV will be the second title for the MMORPG type of game in this series. The first title, Final Fantasy XI, released in 2003 for the PC in 2004 and released for the PS2. In addition, in 2006, released Xbox 360 version. As the rare, this game can bring together the three different consoles to play together in the same world.


ROHAN ONLINE, Rohan: Blood Feud is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG). The game is a rich and expansive persistent online world, set on the continent of Rohan. The land is full of quests to embark upon, from simple to glorious. Friends and enemies will be made and lost, spectacular battles will be fought, and an abundance of unique game features will keep players on the edge of their gaming seats. There are many features of the game that set it apart from more traditional MMORPGs, including

* REVENGE: Players who have been slain in-game by another will have their killers automatically recorded on their "Hit List". Once resurrected, the slain can teleport to their killers for a chance at revenge.
* TOWNSHIP BATTLES: In-game groups - called 'guilds' - have the opportunity to rule each town within Rohan. Other guilds may wage civil war with the ruling guild, with the chance to gain control of their own. In addition to treasure & riches, the right to tax all commercial exchanges within the town for one week goes to the winner.
* BUY & SELL SAFELY: There are several ways in which players can buy and sell goods within the game, including a website specially designed for player-to-player transactions.

History of ROHAN

Character Classes

* Human
* Elf
* Half Elf
* Dekan
* Dhan
* Dark Elf
* Giant

World Map

Regions & Towns

* Del Lagos / Einhoren
* Via Marea / Vena
* Morrisen / Kai'non
* Armenes / Rev'Decca
* E. Bahran / Par'Talucca
* Ignis / Montt
* Draht / Etton

For download this game click here(Untuk mendownload game ini Klik disini)


GHAJINI THE GAME, is a Third Person Action_game based on a Bollywood movie called Ghajini, which will provide a fantastic opportunity to all Ghajini fans to experience the movie through this exciting game.The game features recreated movie locations and scenes in the 3D world so as to provide the gamers with the actual movie sets to make the game playing experience as authentic and adventures as the movie. The players get a first hand experience of the main protagonist and character Sanjay (played by Aamir Khan) and experience the challenges and trails faced by him..
A third person action game, Ghajini gives all Bollywood movie buffs particularly those who love Aamir Khan movies a chance to get a first hand experience of the film. Getting into the skin of the main character and protagonist Sanjay, players are put up against many challenges and trials.

“We are thrilled to launch this technologically advanced 3D PC game based on a major Bollywood movie. Our aim is to extend the movie experience through our game to all Ghajini fans globally and we are excited to have had the opportunity to work with one of Bollywood’s finest actors and stars – Aamir khan on this project,” **** Sashi Reddi, Founder and CEO, FXLabs.

Gamers can actually get a real world feel with the game’s recreated movie locations and scenes in the 3D world. The adventurous game provides a real and authentic movie set too. The high point of the game is that experimental actor Aamir Khan has lent his voice as also enacted certain moves in action sequences of the game. This makes the game even more interesting.

Download Link:



DRAGONBALL ONLINE, a massively multiplayer online game based on the Japanese comics Dragon Ball, is nearing the open beta testing phase

According to an anonymous source, Korean game development company Ntl Inc. is developing a massively multiplayer online game based on Dragon Ball. Having high completeness, Dragon Ball Online will start is open beta in the first half of 2007. However, an official announcement has been withheld because the Korean operator for the game has not been selected.

The above image is a screenshot of Dragon Ball Online in its development phase, so it may be different from its public beta version.

Dragon Ball Online is not a casual game but a MMORPG set in the Dragon Ball world 250 years after the original work. In the game, players will take adventures in Dragon Ball world. The game graphics fully reflect the comic style of the original work. The characters in Dragon Ball Online are made in 3D, and the game has introduced quite a number of innovative game systems including world martial arts tournament and marriage system.

The world martial arts tournament is an online counter strike system which produces the strongest player in the game.

The marriage system is a system characterized by alternation of generations, where players can get married and have their children and they rely on their offspring to continue their adventures in the game. Players can only acquire new abilities through alternation of generations.

It is said that Ntl. Inc. is supported by Bandai in developing Dragon Ball Online and that Akira Toriyama, the author of Dragon Ball, has been keeping an eye the development of the game. According to the source, due to the author#DY#s excessive interference, some of the contents in the original work will not be incorporated into this game, for example, players will not be able to play as Monkey King.

Check the link for more details: DragonBall Online Finally Announced!

System Requirement

CPU : Pentium 4 2GHz or higher
RAM : 512MB or higher

In-Game Information:

Marriage System : When Dragon Ball Online , was first being developed at that time no other martial arts MMO had a marriage system, so they thought it would be a bright idea to implement it then , well unfortunately times changed, and now its very much a normal thing in MMO`s, Dragon Ball Online has a marriage feature and apparently from our reports its a very in-depth one!

Player Vs Player : If any of you are familiar with the party finding system in City Of Heroes / City Of Villains then this will ring a bell for you , there will be an option to show you all the people who are online, their level , if they have the PVP acceptance on and the chances of winning against them , this would have revolutionized MMORPG`s , but it seems like other MMO`s hit it before Dragon Ball Online.


7DAYS, seven days salvation is survival horror game that is devoted to mobile phone, this game tells about an author who were trapped in a mansion with many being egregious. gameplay this game is similar to the resident evil in the game console

in this game
instead must save ourselves, we are also faced with a variety of puzzles.of all that, this is a game that deserves to be played. instead genre of this game that a rare for mobile phone game, grafik this game is also very good with the very beautyfull 3d effect.

for a download,click the link below



I-CITIZEN 3D, The wondrous virtual world of i-citizen. Highly addictive i-citizen is set across 3 continents and five major cities. For the first time in history of mobile telecommunication you can interact with other people across the globe and share your thoughts and feelings as if you are really there.
Global community of i-citizen allows you to meet new people and make new friends. Make yourself a character and invite one or more of your friends to Paris, New York, London or maybe even Tokyo, go to a café, bar or a cinema and watch a video or even listen to music. While you are there why donâ??t you see if you can meet any would be celebrities that walk around the cities and chat to them. You can even tell the world about yourself and promote any ideas that you have. Doesnâ??t it sound amazing; well these are just a few simple things that you can do with i-Citizen. There is much more to see and do so why donâ??t you come and join the world of i-Citizen now

Micazook announces the release of its long awaited i-Citizen 3D. i-Citizen is the worlds first 3D avatar world for mobile handsets that is designed to work across 3G and 2.5G handsets and networks. Its initial release on mobiles will be shortly followed by a more comprehensive PC version at the end of Q2 2008.

Micazook’s three year development cycle in building such a massive multiplayer platform on mobiles is perhaps the most ambitious mobile application seen to date.

i-Citizen’s ability to introduce a totally different experience in social networking bring a radical change to the current trends seen on web based systems. Members get to choose from a multitude of cities such as London, Barcelona or New York and they can meet and make new friends.

Cities are dynamic and can be downloaded to the user’s handsets as and when they decide to visit the particular city. Members are encouraged to setup their profiles and meet new people. There are a multitude of shops inside each city such as Hotels, Games or Cinemas where members can wonder and sample freeware or purchase items if they wish.

i-Citizen also offers in-game experiences where members can play and enjoy themselves. The application is free to download and use but a subscription is needed to unlock certain aspects of i-Citizen. Members can visit and download i-Citizen on their mobile handsets from click here

One of the fun things that members can do is to win free prizes. I-Citizen offers a multitude of free prizes every month under a section named i-Bid. These prizes are varied and they differ from PS3’s, Xbox’s to Jeans and Nike shoes just to mention a few.

Michael Fotoohi Ceo of Micazook Explains:

"We have put in a lot of care and effort in producing an environment where people feel comfortable to meet others and to share their feelings and emotions with each other. The mobile environment is a challenging one and building a platform that covers a wide array of handsets has proved to be a challenging task.

From the outset our goal was to design a system accessible by anyone across the globe without restrictions. Anyone who likes to socialise, promote or simply offer commercialise the system by offering goods and services to make money.

One aspect of i-citizen which was designed from the outset was a place we call Showcase. We wanted to create an environment where members can upload anything from music, videos, Games to sub text of a book they are writing if they wanted to. There are no restrictions in what you can add, promote or sell.

Currently we see a strong trend in this sector but somehow no one has offered a total package to facilitate this concept until now.

So far i-Citizen has exceeded our expectations and literally thousands of people have rushed to become members in its first few days of release already."

The title is supported on a variety of J2me and Symbian mobile devices, which include Nokia, Sony, Samsung, Sagem and LG and new builds are frequently issued to cover more handset


PLAYING SNES GAME ONE YOUR MOBILE PHONE, The Super Nintendo Entertainment System or Super NES (also called SNES[cn 2] and Super Nintendo) is a 16-bit video game console that was released by Nintendo in North America, Europe, Australasia (Oceania), and South America between 1990 and 1993.
In Japan and Southeast Asia, the system is called the Super Family Computer, Super Famicom (スーパーファミコン, Sūpā Famikon?), or SFC for short. In South Korea, it is known as the Super Comboy and was distributed by Hyundai Electronics. Although each version is essentially the same, several forms of regional lockout prevent the different versions from being compatible with one another.

And now you can play your favorit game in your mobile aVSUN a snes emulator for symbian system.

vSun is an SNES emulator for mobiles. It lets you play Super NES games on your mobile. You can put games from thousands of roms in your pocket, play them anytime and anywhere, with the memories and joys of old time.


VBAG, Game Boy Advance (ゲームボーイアドバンス, Gēmu Bōi Adobansu?, often shortened to GBA) is a 32-bit handheld video game console developed, manufactured and marketed by Nintendo.

It is the successor to the Game Boy Color. It was released in Japan on March 21, 2001; in North America on June 11, 2001; in Australia and Europe on June 22, 2001; and in the People's Republic of China on June 8, 2004 (excluding Hong Kong).

In 1996, magazines including issues 53 and 54 of Total! and the July 1996 issue of Game Informer featured reports of a new Game Boy, codenamed Project Atlantis. Although the expected release date of "early 1997" would make that machine seem to be the Game Boy Color, it was described as having "a 32-bit RISC processor" and "allowing similar to Super Nintendo Entertainment System standard games-playing to be played in the palm of your hand"—a description that more closely matches the Game Boy Advance. It is also may have referred to the unnamed, unreleased Game Boy Color successor prototype that was revealed at 2009's Game Developer's Conference.

And now you can play your favorite gba games in your mobile phone with something called Emulator..VBAG,

vBag is gameboy advance emulator that can play gba games on your mobile phone,vBagx is the latest version of vBag.

- For S60v3 and some S60v2, full speed with perfect sound effects for most games
- Big rom size support (full support for 32M rom)
- Each rom with 5 save/load slots
- Speed adjustment option and frameskip option
- Graphics mode option (origin,full,landscape,landscape origin)
- Save/Load in games (flash,eeprom,sram up to 128K)
- Key map setting
- Sound volume switch
- Thread priority option
- Two Graph Output Mode: bitmap mode(default),direct mode(speed improved, but some phones not supported)

This is the keygen VBAGx Keygen